Monday, April 18, 2011

Currently Reading: East of Eden

One of my current reads is East of Eden by John Steinbeck. I've been pleasantly surprised by this author. I had never read much of Steinbeck and from what I knew of his stories assumed him just as dry as the plains on which he set his novels. I must say, he took me by surprise with his subtle wit and snarky sarcasm. I'm only a few pages in, but already taken with the way that Steinbeck tells these stories in a long-ago type way. I can imagine a grandfather sitting in a rocking chair telling them to the young children at his feet. Steinbeck has a way with words. He's certainly not plain, and one could even argue that he carries his stories with as much eloquence as Tolstoy or Dickens....but what makes Steinbeck great in what I've read so far, is that he writes stories that are relatable and for the common man. I'm looking forward to see where this journey with Stienbeck leads.

For now,

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